Part of:
Village Bhalon, Sitabani Road, Corbett Landscape, Tehsil Ramnagar, District Nainital, Uttarakhand
Sitabani Jungle and Spa Resort Corbett isbeautifully arranged at a separation of 20 km from the Ramnagar Railway Stationand 34 km from Garjiya Devi Mandir. Sitabani Jungle and Spa Resort in Corbettkeep up well-looked after rooms. A portion of the in-room enhancementsincorporate overhang, espresso/tea producer, TV, couch bed, room radiator, workarea and appended restroom with complimentary toiletries which makes thevisitor’s stay more reliable and faithful too.
Sitabani Jungle and Spa Resortoffers a decent incentive for cash to its patrons. Bameshawar Temple Pathkot(17 km) and Bameshwar Temple (71 km) are a portion of the significant vacationspots. This hotel in Corbett is reachable by means of movement centers, forexample, Ramnagar Railway Station (21 km) and Pantnagar Airport (99 km). Thespots like Sitabani (3km), Bijrani (22 km), Dhela (27 km) and Jhirna (28 km)away from lodging. The property offers lavish Deluxe Rooms (private yard),Family Suites (private galleries and sit-out) and Wooden Cottages (individualgrass, private overhang and enormous sit-out) with pleasantries like LED TV,Wi-Fi, tea/espresso creator and smaller than usual bar. Sitabani Jungle and SpaResort offers offices like Wi-Fi, library, gaming zone, rec center, spa, pooland gathering administrations for corporate occasions. One can enjoy variousexperience filled wilderness exercises when here. Guests can make a beeline forthe in-house high end café for energizing suppers. Different choicesincorporate pool-side eating and goal feasting. Step ahead and enjoy the bestin class accommodation in Corbett at Sitabani Jungle and Spa Resort.
152460 ft2
Awdesh Kumar Oct 01, 2019
best hotel all good...
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